Country Code 47-49 – Svalbard

LAST UPDATE: July 27th, 2019

Calling to Svalbard

  • A leading '+' in the phone number means 'dial your country's exit code'.
  • Calling from a mobile phone: dial from on the country where you're currently located.
  • Calling from a VoIP or satellite phone: dial from on the country where the phone is registered.

Svalbard (and Norway’s) country code may be mislabeled:

  • Country code 0047 or 004779 (exit code of ’00’ used in many European, Asian, and African nations followed by Norway’s country code of ’47’ and Svalbard’s regional numbers of ’79’).
  • Country code 01147 or 0114779 (exit code of ‘011’ used in the United States and Canada followed by Norway’s country code of ’47’ and Svalbard’s regional numbers of ’79’).

When calling to a mislabeled country code, remove the exit code from the call sequence and replace it with the exit code of the country where the call is dialed .

… to a mobile (cellular) phone

Use the same call sequence.

Norwegian mobile phone numbers begin with ‘9’, ‘4’, ’58’, and ’59’.

When calling a mobile phone user, dial to the country where the mobile phone is registered, regardless of where the person is roaming.

… to a VoIP phone

VoIP phone numbers based in Norway are accessed with the same call sequence as a regular landline phone.

There are no designated VoIP exchanges in Norway.

When calling a VoIP phone user, dial to the country where the VoIP phone is registered, regardless of where the person is roaming.

… to a satellite phone

Norway does not have a country-specific satellite phone system.

Most satellite phones operate on their country code – calls to these satellite phones follow their call sequence.

… sending a fax

Use the same call sequence.

Calling within Svalbard (domestic dialing)

There is no trunk number used when calling within the Norwegian phone system.

Dial all eight digits as they are listed.

79six digit number
start of numbering range for Svalbard and Jan Mayenremainder of local phone number within Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Svalbard phone numbers explained

Number details

Norwegian numbers are eight digits.

There are some machine to machine numbers that are 12 digits.

Some numbers are five digits, these are reserved for “hotline” type numbers and are billed at the land-line rate. These numbers are used by commercial organizations with the intention of being easy to remember (for example taxi companies).

The first 1 to 2 digits designation whether the phone number is a mobile or landline, as well as a regional code.

Mobile numbers start with 9 (older), 4 (newer), 58, and 59.

An example of a Svalbard phone number

The Svalbard Museum lists its phone number in Longyearbyen as +47 79 02 64 92.

Number explanation
4779remainder of local phone number
country code for Svalbardregional code for Svalbard and Jan Mayenthirdtwo
Local example – calling from Longyearbyen

Dial all eight digits of the phone number regardless of where in Norway, Svalbard, and Jan Mayen the caller is located.

7902 64 92
firsttworemainder of local phone number
Long distance example – calling from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard (on the other side of the country)

Dial all eight digits of the phone number regardless of where in Norway, Svalbard, and Jan Mayen the caller is located.

7902 64 92
firsttworemainder of local phone number
Norway and Jan Mayen example

Dial all eight digits of the phone number regardless of where in Norway, Svalbard, and Jan Mayen the caller is located.

7902 64 92
firsttworemainder of local phone number
International example – calling from outside Svalbard, Norway, and Jan Mayen

When calling from outside of Svalbard, Norway, or Jan Mayen, dial the exit code of the country the call is dialed from, followed by Norway’s country code of ’47’, followed by the local eight-digit phone number starting with’ 79′.

exit code477902 64 92
exit code of the country the call is dialed fromcountry code for Norwayregional code for Svalbard and Jan Mayenremainder of local phone number

Special numbers

Toll-free numbers  and premium rate numbers are eight digits beginning with ‘8’.

When dialed from within Norway, toll-free phone numbers do not incur service charges when called.

Premium rate numbers incur a higher rate than standard charges.

Toll-free and premium rate numbers may not be available from outside of the country.

Calling from Svalbard

… to all regions except Norway and Jan Mayen

’00’ is used as an exit code when dialing an international phone call from Norway and Svalbard.

… to Norway and Jan Mayen

Dial calls to Norway and Jan Mayen the same was as a Norwegian domestic phone number – an eight digit code.

Jan Mayen phone numbers being with ’79’ (shared with Svalbard), and Norway contains the remainder of the numbering range.

Sources and more resources