How to call Helsinki?

Question: I am attempting to call Helsinki phone number +358 10 850xxxx. How do I dial this phone number?

Answer: To call Helsinki dial your country’s exit code, then country code 358 (for Finland), then the local phone number in Helsinki.

To call from the United States or Canada, dial 011-358-10-850xxxx. ‘011’ is the international exit code, ‘358’ is Finland’s country code, and ’10-850xxxx’ is the local phone number within Finland.

To call from the U.K., France, Germany, most of Europe, China, and India, dial 00-358-10-850xxxx. ’00’ is the international exit code, ‘358’ is Finland’s country code, and ’10-850xxxx’ is the local phone number within Finland.

To call from Australia, dial 0011-358-10-850xxxx. ‘0011’ is the international exit code, ‘358’ is Finland’s country code, and ’10-850xxxx’ is the local phone number within Finland.

To call from Japan, dial 010-358-10-850xxxx. ‘010’ is the international exit code, ‘358’ is Finland’s country code, and ’10-850xxxx’ is the local phone number within Finland.

To call Helsinki from within Finland, dial 0-10-850xxxx. The ‘0’ is a long distance trunk number. ’10-850xxxx’ is the local phone number within Helsinki.

For more on how to call Helsinki, see our page on “How to call Finland.”