What country code is ‘0011675’?

Question: What is the country with the country code ‘0011675’? I am trying to call the phone number 0011675-321-xxxx.

Country code ‘0011675’ a mislabeled country code for Papua New Guinea.

The leading ‘0011’ is an international exit code for Australia.

‘675’ is the country code for Papua New Guinea.

The phone number you are attempting to call looks to be a phone number in Port Moresby as the local number begins with a ‘3’.

To call this phone number from within Papua New Guinea dial ‘321-xxxx’. There is no need to dial an exit code or country code as the call is within PNG.

To call this phone number from Australia dial ‘0011-675-321-xxxx’.

To call this phone number from the United States or Canada dial ‘011-675-321-xxxx’.

To call this phone number from New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, the U.K., France, Germany, China, India, and many countries of Europe and Asia dial ’00-675-321-xxxx’.

To call this phone number from Japan dial ‘010-675-321-xxxx’.

For more detail see our page on how to call PNG.