What is country code ‘01131’

Question: What is country code 01131? I am attempting to call the phone number 01131 10 206 xxxx.

Answer: 01131 is the country code for the Netherlands when dialed from the United States or Canada.

‘011’ is the exit code to call from the U.S. or Canada to the international switchboard. If calling from a different country, this code is different.

’31’ is the country code for Netherlands.

To call this number from within the Netherlands, dial 010 206 xxxx. Do not dial the leading ‘011’ or the country code ’31’. Include a leading ‘0’ (trunk prefix) with the number. If calling within Rotterdam from another landline phone, dial 206 xxxx (do not include the trunk prefix ‘0’ or the area code ’10’).

To call this number from the United States or Canada dial ‘011-31-10-206-xxxx’. Do not include any leading ‘0’ (sometimes listed as ‘089’ in the phone number).

To call this number from the United Kingdom, FranceGermanySpain, Italy, India, or many of the countries with exit code ’00’, dial ’00-31-10-206-xxxx’. These countries use exit code ’00’ instead of ‘011’. Do not include any leading ‘0’ (sometimes listed as ’01’ in the phone number).

To call this number from Australia dial ‘0011-31-10-206-xxxx’. Do not include any leading ‘0’ (sometimes listed as ’01’ in the phone number).

For more detail see our page on how to call the Netherlands.