Country Code 1-268 (Antigua and Barbuda)

LAST UPDATE: July 27th, 2019

Calling to Antigua and Barbuda

Calling from Antigua and Barbuda

… to another country in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP)

NANP countries include Canada, the United States (and associated territories), and most regions of the Caribbean.

1three digit area codeseven digit number
long distance trunk prefixcountry / area codelocal phone number

… to all other regions of the world

011one to three digit numberremaining numbers
Antiguan exit codedestination country codelocal phone number

First: Dial ‘011”: The international switchboard is reached from Antigua and Barbuda by dialing exit code ‘011’.

Next: Dial the country code of the country being phoned: Country codes are 1 to 3 digits.

Next: Dial the destination local phone number: Local phone numbers vary in length depending on the country being called.

Calling within Antigua and Barbuda (domestic dialing)

There is no trunk prefix (1) or area code (268) used when calling within Antigua and Barbuda.

Only the seven digit phone number is dialed.

Antiguan phone numbers explained

Quick facts

Country code: +1
Area code: +268
Exit code (dial out code): 011
Trunk prefix: 1
Number length: ten digits

Number details


Antiguan phone numbers are ten digits.


First three digits: an area (geographic) code to designate Antigua and Barbuda within the North American Numbering Plan. The Antiguan area code is ‘268’.
Next three digits: an area exchange within the Antiguan code of ‘268’.
Remaining digits: represent the remainder of the subscriber number.


Mobile numbers are intermixed with land-line phone numbers. They are dialed the same way as other phone numbers in Antigua and Barbuda.

An example of an Antiguan number

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda lists its phone number in St. John’s as (268) 468-4600.

In this phone number:

1268468 4600
country code for Antigua and Barbudaarea code for Antigua and Barbuda within the NANPlocal phone number within St. John's

If this number was dialed from another location in St. John’s it would be dialed:

468 4600
local phone number within St. John's

If this number as dialed from a country inside the North American Numbering Plan (United States, Canada, most of the Caribbean, and U.S. Territories in the Pacific) it would be dialed:

1268468 4600
long distance trunk prefixarea (geographic) code for Antigua and Barbudalocal phone number within St. John's

If this number was dialed from a country outside the North American Numbering Plan (United States, Canada, most of the Caribbean, and U.S. Territories in the Pacific) it would be dialed:

exit code1268468 4600
exit code of the country the call is dialed fromcountry code for the North American Numbering Planarea (geographic) code for Antigua and Barbudalocal phone number within St. John's