Sweden’s Country Codes
- Telephone: +46
- 2 Letter: SE
- 3 Letter: SWE
- ISO 3116-1 Numeric: 752
- ISO 3116-2: SE
- Internet TLD: .se
- ICAO Airport Code: ES
- Maritime Identification Digits: 265, 266
- Emoji Flag: U+1F1F8 U+1F1EA
- Official Name: The Kingdom of Sweden
How to call Sweden (international dialing)
- Do not include a leading ‘0’ in the international call sequence – it is only used in Sweden for domestic long distance calls.
- A leading '+' in the phone number means 'dial your country's exit code'.
- Calling from a mobile phone: dial from on the country where you're currently located.
- Calling from a VoIP or satellite phone: dial from on the country where the phone is registered.
Sweden’s country code may be mislabeled:
- Country code 0046 (exit code of ’00’ used in many European, Asian, and African nations followed by Sweden’s country code of ’46’).
- Country code 01146 (exit code of ‘011’ used in the United States and Canada followed by Sweden’s country code of ’46’).
When calling to a mislabeled country code, remove the exit code from the call sequence and replace it with the exit code of the country where the call is dialed.
… to a mobile (cellular) phone
Use the same call sequence.
Swedish mobile phone numbers begin with 070, 072, 073, 076, or 079 (drop the leading ‘0’ when calling from abroad).
When calling a mobile phone user, dial to the country where the mobile phone is registered, regardless of where the person is roaming.
… to a VoIP phone
VoIP phone numbers based in Sweden are accessed with the same call sequence as a regular landline phone.
There are no designated VoIP exchanges in Sweden.
When calling a VoIP phone user, dial to the country where the VoIP phone is registered, regardless of where the person is roaming.
… to a satellite phone
Sweden does not have a country-specific satellite phone system.
Most satellite phones operate on their country code – calls to these satellite phones follow their call sequence.
… sending a fax
Use the same call sequence.
How to call within Sweden (domestic dialing)
‘0’ is used as a long distance trunk prefix for dialing to a different area code. When calling to a different area code, include ‘0’ and the area code in the call sequence.
Local calling
When calling within the same area code, only dial the local five to eight-digit subscriber number.
five to eight digits |
local phone number |
Long distance calling (to a different area code or a mobile)
When calling to a different area code, include the trunk prefix ‘0’ and the area code in the call sequence.
0 | one to three digits | five to eight digits |
trunk prefix | area code | thirdtwo |
Swedish phone numbers explained
Number details
Swedish numbers are 7 to 9 digits (not including the leading ‘0’).
Some premium numbers that are ten digits (which are called by the public), as well as some routing and telematic service numbers that can be as long as 12 or 13 digits (which are not typically dialed by the public).
The first digit of the area code is a “National Destination Code” (NDC) – a geographic code for a specific region of the country.
Stockholm (the capital) is represented by a leading ‘8’ and is the only one digit area code. All other area codes are two to three digits (with the first digit representing the NDC).
Mobile numbers start with 070, 072, 073, 076, or 079 (the leading ‘0’ is dropped when calling from abroad).
An example of a Swedish phone number
The Nobel Museum lists its phone number in Stockholm as +46 8 534 818 00.
Phone number explanation
46 | 8 | 534 818 00 |
Swedish country code | area code for the greater Stockholm area | local phone number within Stockholm |
Local example – calling from another location in Stockholm
Dial only the local phone number when calling another location in the same area code. Do not include the trunk prefix ‘0’ or the area code.
534 818 00 |
local phone number within Stockholm |
Long distance example – calling from Gothenburg, Sweden (on the other side of the country)
When calling from a different area code (or a mobile), include the trunk prefix ‘0’ as well as the destination area code in the call.
08 | 534 818 00 |
trunk prefix '0' and area code '8' for Stockholm | local phone number within Stockholm |
International example – calling from outside Sweden
When calling from outside Sweden, dial the exit code of the country the call is dialed from, followed by Sweden’s country code of ’46’, followed by Stockholm’s area code ‘f 8’ (the leading ‘0’ is not included in the international call sequence’, followed by the local phone number.
exit code | 46 | 8 | 534 818 00 |
exit code of the country the call is dialed from | country code for Sweden | area code '8' for Stockholm | local phone number within Stockholm |
Special numbers
Toll-Free (Freephone):
Toll-free numbers are 6 to 9 digits beginning with ’20’.
When dialed from within Sweden, these phone numbers do not incur service charges when called.
’20’ numbers are not available from outside of Sweden. They can be reached by replacing ’20’ in the call sequence with ‘771’. The call will not be toll-free in this instance, however, the call should connect.
Premium Rate
Premium rate numbers are 7 to 10 digits beginning with:
900 | Information Services |
939 | Other Services |
944 | Games, Lotteries, etc. |
When dialed from within Sweden, these numbers incur an additional charge to the person calling.Premium rate numbers may not be available from outside Sweden.
Phone Books
eniro.se – Yellow Pages (Swedish)
eniro.se – White Pages (Swedish)
How to call from Sweden
’00’ is used as an exit code when dialing an international call from Sweden.
Sources and more resources
- Swedish Posts and Telecom Authority – Ministry responsible for telecommunications in Sweden.
- BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) – European agency responsible for regulation and co-ordination of European telecommunication markets.
- European Commission Digital Single Market – Telecom Rules for the Digital Single Market. Outlines some of the telecommunications regulations across the European Single Market.
- European Commission Digital Single Market – Country information – Sweden – Update on internet and wireless access across the European single market. Has a focus on broadband but includes wireless information as well.
- The European Conference for Postal and Telecommunications Administrations – A conference for cooperation of European telecommunications and postal services.
- ITU (International Telecommunications Union) – United Nations specialized agency for information and communications technologies.
- International Telecommunications Union – DIALLING PROCEDURES (INTERNATIONAL PREFIX, NATIONAL (TRUNK) PREFIX AND NATIONAL (SIGNIFICANT) NUMBER) (IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITU-T RECOMMENDATION E.164 (11/2010)) – A collection of dialing procedures for all countries and regions of the world. Retrieved 8 October 2016.
- International Telecommunications Union – Sweden (country code +46) national numbering plan on file with ITU – Details of the Sweden’s telephone numbering plan as submitted to the ITU. Retrieved 14 November 2016.
- Swedish Posts and Telecom Authority (PTS) – National Numbering and Address Plans – The official telephone numbering plan for Sweden.
- Swedish Posts and Telecom Authority (PTS) – The Swedish numbering plan for telephony according to ITU-T Recommendation E.164 – More details on Sweden’s national telephone numbering plan.
- Wikipedia – Telephone numbers in Sweden – Wikipedia entry for telephone number data for Sweden. Includes specific number ranges for each city as well as detail on calling procedures.
- BT – the Phonebook – Swedish International Codes – Summary of phone codes for Sweden from the BT phone book.
- Visit Sweden – Phone, post, & internet services – Details on using phone, postal services, and internet, both in Sweden and when contacting Sweden from outside the country.
- Routes North – How to call Sweden – Instructions on how to call Sweden from an independent travel guide covering Sweden & Denmark.
- About Travel – How to call someone in Sweden – Instructions on calling to a person in Sweden from About Travel.