Country Code 6721 – Australian Antarctic Territory

LAST UPDATE: July 27th, 2019

Calling to the Australian Antarctic Territory

Australian Antarctic Territory numbers being with a ‘1’.

Calling within the Australian Antarctic Territory (domestic dialing)

There is no trunk prefix used when calling within the Australian Antarctic Territory. Dial all six numbers as listed.

1five digits
designator for the Australian Antarctic Territory within country code 672remainder of local phone number in the Australian Antarctic Territory

Australian Antarctic Territory phone numbers explained

1one digitfour digits
designator for the Australian Antarctic Territory within country code 672landline or mobile designatorremainder of the local phone number

First digit: ‘1’ – country code +672 is shared with Norfolk Island (whose phone numbers start with ‘3’). Australian Antarctic Territory telephone numbers begin with ‘1’.
Second digit: designates the base (research station) being called.
Remaining digits: represent the remainder of the subscriber number.

Calling internationally from the Australian Antarctic Territory

‘oo11’ is used as an international exit code when dialing an international call from the Australian Antarctic Territory.

Phonebooks, directories, and number lookup

There are currently no published phone books or directories for the Australian Antarctic Territory.

The four bases in the territory are assigned codes:

As well, the Australian government publishes a page on communicating with Antarctica by phone, fax, and email.

Sources and more resources