British Indian Ocean Territory (Diego Garcia) – Country Code 246

LAST UPDATE: July 27th, 2019

Dialing sequence

Calling to a mobile (cellular) phone

Dial mobile phones with the same call sequence as regular landline phones.

Mobile phone numbers in the British Indian Ocean Territory start with ’38’.

Calling to a satellite phone

There are no country-specific satellite phone ranges listed for the British Indian Ocean Territory.

Some satellite phones in the territory may be based on their own country code – common providers are: Inmarsat (+870, +871, +872, +873, +874)Iridium (+881 6 / +881 7)Globalstar (+881 8 / +881 9, as well as country-specific numbers), and Thuraya (+882 16).

Calling within the British Indian Ocean Territory

Dial all domestic calls with the seven number sequence.

seven-digit number
local phone number

British Indian Ocean Territory phone numbers explained

Phone number structure

+246seven digits
British Indian Ocean Territory country codelocal phone number

British Indian Ocean Territory country code: +246 – the country code for the British Indian Ocean Territory in the international phone system.

Local phone number: seven digits.

Mobile phones begin with ’38’. Landline (fixed line) phones begin with ’37’.

Calling internationally from the British Indian Ocean Territory

’00’ is used as an international exit code when dialing an international call from the British Indian Ocean Territory.

Sources and more resources