Cyprus Country Code 357 | CY | CYP | .cy

LAST UPDATE: July 28th, 2019

Cyprus’s Country Codes

  • Telephone: +357
  • 2 Letter: CY
  • 3 Letter: CYP
  • ISO 3116-1 Numeric: 196
  • Internet TLD: .cy
  • ICAO Airport Code: LC
  • Maritime Identification Digits: 209, 210, 212
  • Emoji Flag: U+1F1E8 U+1F1FE
  • Official Name: The Republic of Cyprus

How to call Cyprus (international dialing)

Calling to a mobile (cellular) phone

Call mobile phones with the same dialing sequence as land-line (fixed line) phones.

Mobile phone numbers begin with the digit ‘9’.

How to call within Cyprus (domestic dialing)

There is no trunk prefix used when calling between areas codes in Cyprus.

Dial all domestic numbers as they are listed.

eight digits
local phone number

Cypriot phone numbers explained

Phone number structure

[oneSection firstone=”eight digits” firsttwo=”local phone number”]

Cypriot phone numbers are eight digits.

First two digits: Represent a geographic (area) code.
Remaining digits: represent the remainder of the subscriber number.

Mobile numbers being with digit ‘9’ (except for numbers starting with 900 or 909). The second digit identifies the mobile carrier. They are dialed the same way as all other numbers in Cyprus.

An example of a Cypriot phone number

The Cyprus Museum lists its phone number in Lefkosia as 22865854.

Number breakdown
country code for Cyprusgeographic (area) code for Nicosialocal phone number in Nicosia
Local example – dialing from another location in Lefkosia
geographic (area) code for Nicosialocal phone number in Nicosia
Long distance example – dialing from Pafos (on the other side of the country)
geographic (area) code for Nicosialocal phone number in Nicosia
International example – dialing from outside Cyprus
exit code35722865854
exit code of the country the call is dialed fromcountry code for Cyprusgeographic (area) code for Nicosialocal phone number in Nicosia

Geographic (area) codes

Famagusta 23
Larnaca 24
Limassol 25
Nicosia 22
Paphos 26
Mobile and paging 9x, but not 900 or 909
Virtual private and corporate 50x

Source: Cyprus (country code +357) Communication of 4.IV.2011.. Retrieved 13 October 2016, from https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/oth/02/02/T02020000340001PDFE.pdf

Special numbers

Number type Numbers start with… Charge to caller
Short codes 1 (three to five digits)
Carrier pre-selection 10 (four digits)
Call routing 16 (six digits)
Directory inquiry 118 (five digits)
Harmonized services (social value) 116 (six digits)
Personal numbers 700
Universal service numbers 77x
Intelligent network services 7xx
Toll free (freephone) 800 No charge
Fee sharing 80x Shared
Premium rate (entertainment) 900 Premium rate
Premium rate (business, information) 909 Premium rate
Internet services 9090

Source: Cyprus (country code +357) Communication of 4.IV.2011.. Retrieved 13 October 2016, from https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/oth/02/02/T02020000340001PDFE.pdf

How to call from Cyprus

’00’ is used as an international exit code when dialing an international call from Cyprus.

Carrier pre-selection when calling from Cyprus can be dialed with a four-digit code starting with 10.

… to Northern Cyprus

Dial calls to Northern Cyprus can from the Republic of Cyprus by calling 0139 followed by the local seven digit subscriber number.

0139seven digits
trunk prefixindicator for Northern Cypruslocal phone number in Northern Cyprus

Calls are at local rates.

These calls are placed through the United Nations exchange.

Northern Cyprus can also be placed through the international exchange through the regular international call sequence to Turkey.

0090seven digits
international exit code for the Republic of Cypruscountry code for Turkeylocal phone number in Northern Cyprus (on the Turkish phone system)

… to Akrotiri and Dhekelia

Use the domestic call sequence.

Phone books, directories, and number lookup

  • CYTA Yellow Pages – Business directory for Cyprus from the largest phone provider in the country. It includes a reverse directory as well as telephone and government directory. Available in Greek and English.
  • OnCyprus – Business directory for Cypriot phone numbers. In English.
  • Cyprus Yellow Pages – Business directory for Cypriot phone numbers. In English.
  • 11892 – CYTA service – 11892 is the local CYTA directory assistance number. Not accessible from outside Cyprus. Premium rate number.
  • Government of Cyprus contact page – Includes contacts for various government departments.

Sources and more resources