Where can I make an international call?

You can make an international call anywhere you can find a phone.

In some circumstances (such as phones within an organization), international calling or long distance calls may be disabled for cost controls or plan limitations.

Here are some of the most popular ways to make an international call:

Using a payphone

Most pay phones can make international calls.

Payphones typically have the most expensive rates when calling overseas. Callings cards can save costs.

Using a hotel phone

Hotel phones often have international calling access. However, the method varies by hotel and phone system.

Check individual phone systems to figure out how to make the international call.

Aside from pay phones, hotel phone systems are often the most expensive way to call internationally.

Using a landline phone (organizational or personal)

Landline phones are the most commonly found method of calling internationally.

When calling with a landline phone from an organization, there may be a number needed to access the external switchboard (typically a 7 or 9).

Using a cell phone

Cell phones can be relatively expensive to make an international call. They have the advantage of mobility.

Calling cards can be used with cell phones to bring down costs.

Smartphones can also use a VoIP phone number – in many cases this will reduce the cost of the phone system. However, some VoIP phone systems operate through a data connection, which can be very expensive to use while traveling in another country. Consider using VoIP on a smartphone when you are on a WiFi connection.

Using a VoIP phone

Many VoIP phone systems have very competitive rates to call internationally. Their rates are often far below traditional international calling rates, often comparable with calling cards or at a flat rate included in a monthly package.

Using a calling card

Calling cards can be a very inexpensive way to make an international call. Most phone systems can use them. Some calling card organizations allow users to hold an account to call to different countries.

Callings cards cover only the international costs of the call – there is still a call to a local or toll-free (freephone) number that may incur some costs (such as local cellular phone minutes).