Country Code 881 8 & 881 9 – Globalstar Satellite Phone

LAST UPDATE: July 27th, 2019

Dialing sequence

Globalstar satellite phones typically are called through a phone number assigned to a country-specific number. Dial these phone numbers the same as calling to the country where they are assigned.

For Globalstar phone numbers starting with +881 8:

Calling between Globalstar phones

Calling between Globalstar phones is done by calling the international calling sequence

+ (hold '0' on keypad'one to three digitsremaining digits
international exit codecountry code of the destination phone numberlocal phone number

First: dial ‘+’ – the international country code. On globalstar this is dialed by holding ‘0’.

Second: dial one to three digits – the country code for the holder of the Globalstar phone.

Third: dial the remaining digits – the specific Globalstar phone number.

Globalstar phone numbers explained

Phone number structure

Globalstar phone numbers linked to country-specific phone numbers.

As each country’s telephone numbering plan is different, the number structure varies by country.

Calling internationally from a Globalstar satellite phone

‘+’ is used as an international exit code when dialing an international call from a Globalstar satellite phone.

Sources and more resources