Calling to an International Shared Cost Number
International share cost phone numbers explained
Phone number structure
Phone numbers are eight digits.
There is no geographic placement of +808 numbers. They can be anywhere on earth.
An international freephone number may be ‘attached’ to a regular land-line (fixed line) phone, a mobile, VoIP, or a satellite phone system.
Calling from an International Freephone Number
International shared cost number are intended for inbound calls only.
Sources and more resources
- ITU (International Telecommunications Union) – United Nations specalized agency for information and communications technologies
- International Telecommunications Union – DIALLING PROCEDURES (INTERNATIONAL PREFIX, NATIONAL (TRUNK) PREFIX AND NATIONAL (SIGNIFICANT) NUMBER) (IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITU-T RECOMMENDATION E.164 (11/2010)) – A A collection of dialing procedures for all countries and regions of the world. Retrieved 16 September 2016
- International Telecommunications Union –SERIES E: OVERALL NETWORK OPERATION, TELEPHONE SERVICE, SERVICE OPERATION AND HUMAN FACTORS Operation, numbering, routing and mobile services – International operation – Operation of international telephone services International shared cost service – Full technical description of the ITU +808 international share cost number service.
- International Telecommunications Union – UISCN – Summary of USICN phone service and how they can be obtained.
- Wikipedia – Shared-cost service – Wikipedia entry for telephone number information for shared cost services around the world. Includes international shard cost service.