Dialing sequence
Calling between Thuraya phones
Calling between Thuraya phones is done through the international calling sequence
00 | 882 16 | eight digits |
international exit code | Thuraya country code | Thuraya phone number |
First: dial ’00’ – the international country code.
Second: dial ‘882 16’ – the country code for Thuraya phones.
Third: dial eight digits – the specific Thuraya phone number.
Thuraya phone numbers explained
Phone number structure
Thuraya phone numbers are eight digits.
There are no area codes or phone number designators – each phone is assigned its own phone number.
Calling internationally from a Thuraya satellite phone
’00’ is used as an international exit code when dialing an international call from a Thuraya satellite phone.
Sources and more resources
- ITU (International Telecommunications Union) – United Nations specialized agency for information and communications technologies
- Iridium – official page for Thuraya
- Thuraya support – official support page for Thuraya services
- International Telecommunications Union – DIALLING PROCEDURES (INTERNATIONAL PREFIX, NATIONAL (TRUNK) PREFIX AND NATIONAL (SIGNIFICANT) NUMBER) (IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITU-T RECOMMENDATION E.164 (11/2010)) – A collection of dialing procedures for all countries and regions of the world. Retrieved 11 October 2016
- International Telecommunications Union – Thuraya (country code +882 16) Communication of 2.VII.2001 – details of Thuraya telephone numbering plan as submitted to the ITU. Retrieved 11 October 2016
- Wikipedia – Thuraya – Wikipedia entry for Thuraya.