Country Code 245 – Guinea-Bissau

LAST UPDATE: July 27th, 2019

Calling to Guinea-Bissau

  • A leading '+' in the phone number means 'dial your country's exit code'.
  • Calling from a mobile phone: dial from on the country where you're currently located.
  • Calling from a VoIP or satellite phone: dial from on the country where the phone is registered.

… to a mobile (cellular) phone or text (sms)

Use the same call sequence.

Mobile phone numbers begin with ‘9’.

When calling a mobile phone user, dial to the country where the mobile phone is registered, regardless of where the person is roaming.

… to a VoIP phone

Use the same call sequence.

When calling a VoIP phone user, call to the country where the VoIP phone is registered, regardless of where the person is roaming.

… to a satellite phone

Guinea-Bissau does not have a country-specific satellite phone system.

Most satellite phones operate on their country code – calls to these satellite phones follow their call sequence.

… sending a fax

Use the same call sequence.

Calling within Guinea-Bissau (domestic dialing)

Dial the entire phone number as it is listed.

There is no trunk or long distance number used in Guinea-Bissau’s phone network.

Guinea-Bissau’s phone numbers explained

Number details

Guinea-Bissau’s phone numbers are eight digits.

The first digit signifies whether the phone number is a landline or mobile phone.

Landline phone numbers begin with ’44’. The third, fourth, and fifth digit of the phone number signifies a geographic location.

Mobile numbers begin with ‘9’. The first two digits signify the mobile phone carrier.

An example of a phone number in Guinea-Bissau

The Azalai 24 De Septembro lists its phone number in Bissau as +245 322 45 06.

Phone number explanation
24532245 06
country code for Guinea-Bissaugeographic (area) code for Santa Luzialocal phone number in Santa Luzia
Local example – calling from another location in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau

Dial the entire phone number for all calls within Guinea-Bissau.
[oneSectoinCall firstone=”45 06″ firsttwo=”local phone number in Santa Luzia”]

Long distance example – calling from Gabu, Guinea-Bissau (on the other side of the country)

Dial the entire phone number for all calls within Guinea-Bissau.

firstone45 06
geographic (area) code for Santa Luzialocal phone number in Santa Luzia

Mobile phone example – calling from a mobile phone (including a foreign mobile phone roaming in Guinea-Bissau)

Dial the entire phone number for all calls within Guinea-Bissau.

firstone45 06
geographic (area) code for Santa Luzialocal phone number in Santa Luzia

International example – calling from outside Guinea-Bissau

To call from outside Guinea-Bissau, dial the exit code of the country the call is dialed from, followed by Guinea-Bissau’s country code of ‘245’, followed by the local phone number.

exit code24532245 06
exit code of the country the call is dialed fromcountry code for Guinea-Bissaugeographic (area) code for Santa Luzialocal phone number in Santa Luzia

Calling from Guinea-Bissau

’00’ is used as an exit code when dialing an international call from Guinea-Bissau.

Sources and more resources