Calling to Norfolk Island
- A leading '+' in the phone number means 'dial your country's exit code'.
- Calling from a mobile phone: dial from on the country where you're currently located.
- Calling from a VoIP or satellite phone: dial from on the country where the phone is registered.
Calling within Norfolk Island (domestic dialing)
There is no trunk prefix used when calling within Norfolk Island. Dial all six numbers as listed.
3 | five digits |
designator for Norfolk Island within country code 672 | remainder of local phone number in Norfolk Island |
Norfolk Island phone numbers explained
3 | one digit | four digits |
designator for Norfolk Island within country code 672 | landline or mobile designator | remainder of the local phone number |
First digit: ‘3’ – country code +672 is shared with the Australian Antarctic Territory (whose phone numbers start with ‘1’). Norfolk Island telephone numbers begin with ‘3’.
Second digit: designates a land-line or mobile phone number. Land-line phone numbers are ‘2’. Mobile phones are ‘5’.
Remaining digits: represent the remainder of the subscriber number.
An example of a Norfolk Island phone number
The Norfolk Island Museum lists its phone number in Kingston as + 6723 23788.
In this phone number:
672 | 3 | 2 | 3788 |
country code for Norfolk Island | designates a phone number for Norfolk Island | designates a land-line (fixed line) phone number | remainder of the phone number |
If this number were dialed from another location in Kingston it would be dialed:
2 | 3788 |
designates a phone number for Norfolk Island | remainder of the phone number |
If this number were dialed from Port Vincent, Norfolk Island (on the other side of the country) it would be dialed:
2 | 3788 |
designates a phone number for Norfolk Island | remainder of the phone number |
If this number were dialed from outside Norfolk Island it would be dialed:
exit code | 672 | 2 | 3788 |
exit code for the country the call is dialed from | country code for Norfolk Island | designates a phone number for Norfolk Island | remainder of the phone number |
Calling internationally from Norfolk Island
‘oo’ is used as an international exit code when dialing an international call from Norfolk Island.
Phone books, directories, and number lookup
- Norfolk Telecom Yellow Pages – Run by Norfolk Telecom, the site lets users search by category or name for any business listed on Norfolk Island.
- Norfolk Island Phone Book – A one page listing of all residents and businesses on Norfolk Island. Updated periodically.
- Norfolk Island Internet Directory – Operated by Norfolk Island Telecom, this is a simple internet directory of businesses located on Norfolk Island.
- Norfolk Telecom White Pages – Run by Norfolk Telecom, site lets users search residential (and alphabetical) listing by name and address.
- Norfolk Island Governemt and Information Services – A one page list with all government functions and department contact information – run by the Administration of Norfolk Island.
Sources and more resources
- Norfolk Island Telecom – Local telecommunications administrator for Norfolk Island.
- ITU (International Telecommunications Union) – United Nations specalized agency for information and communications technologies.
- International Telecommunications Union – DIALLING PROCEDURES (INTERNATIONAL PREFIX, NATIONAL (TRUNK) PREFIX AND NATIONAL (SIGNIFICANT) NUMBER) (IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITU-T RECOMMENDATION E.164 (11/2010)) – A collection of dialing procedures for all countries and regions of the world. Retrieved 10 October 2016.
- International Telecommunications Union – Australian External Territories (Norfolk Island and Australian Antarctic Territory – country code +672) Communication of 6.IV.2006 – Details of Norfolk Island’s telephone numbering plan as submitted to the ITU. Retrieved 10 October 2016.
- Wikipedia – Telephone numbers in Norfolk Island – Wikipedia entry for telephone number data for Norfolk Island. Includes specific number ranges for each city as well as detail on calling procedures.
- Australia Post – Addressing an envelope – Instructions on how to mail a letter to Australia (including Norfolk Island), including address and postal code format.