What country is country code ‘01181’?

Question: I have the phone number with country code ‘01181’. What country is this? The phone number I have is ‘011-81-3-6252-xxxx’.

Answer: It looks like the country code is for Japan. The phone number as you see is would be how Japan is dialed from the United States or Canada.

‘011’ is the international exit code for calling from the United States, Canada, most of the Caribbean, and U.S. Territories (including those in the Pacific). This number is dialed to call the international switchboard.

’81’ is the country code for Japan. When dialing from the international switchboard, this number is dialed to reach Japan’s switchboard.

‘3’ is the area code (geographic code) for the Tokyo region with Japan’s phone system.

‘6252-xxxx’ is consistent with the Japanese phone numbering system for a local phone number in the Tokyo region.

To dial this phone number from the United States or Canada, dial the phone number as:

011 81 3 6252 XXXX

To dial this phone number from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, South Korea, and many other countries of the world, replace the exit code ‘011’ with ’00’. You will dial:

00 81 3 6252 XXXX

To dial this phone number from Australia, replace the exit code ‘011’ with ‘0011’. You will dial:

0011 81 3 6252 XXXX

To call this phone number from Japan (outside of the Tokyo region, or from a mobile phone), replace the exit code with the trump prefix ‘0’. You will dial:

0 3 6252 XXXX

To dial this phone number from Japan within the Tokyo region, only dial the local phone number. Dial:
