What country is country code “001”?

Question: I am trying to dial country code “001”. What country is this? The phone number I have is 001 212 722 xxxx.

Answer: It looks like the phone number you are attempting to call is in the United States. The phone number as you see it would be dialed from some different countries.

’00’ is the international exit code for the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, India, South Africa, New Zealand, and many other countries around the world. This is the number needed to dial the international switchboard when calling from these countries.

‘1’ is the country code for the United States and Canada. This is the number needed to reach these countries from the international switchboard.

‘212’ is the area (geographic) code for New York City within the North American Numbering Plan.

The last seven digits of the phone number (722 xxxx) appear to be in the standard format for American phone numbers.

To dial this phone number from the United States, Canada, most of the Caribbean, and U.S. territories (including those in the Pacific): remove the leading ’00’ from the calling sequence. The number would be dialed 1-212-722-xxxx.

To dial this phone number from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, India, South Africa, New Zealand, and many other countries that use exit code ’00’: Dial the phone number as it is listed.

To dial this phone number from Australia, replace the leading ’00’ with ‘0011’. The phone number would be dialed ‘0011-1-212-722-xxxx’.

To dial this phone number from Japan, replace the leading ’00’ with ‘010’. The phone number would be dialed ‘010-1-212-722-xxxx’.