How to call Belgium from India

Question: How do I dial the Belgian number 03 231 xx xx from India?

Answer: Dial 00-32-231-xx-xx.

’00’ is the international exit code to dial the international switchboard from India.

’32’ is Belgium’s country code.

‘3 231 xx xx’ is the local phone number. The leading ‘3’ is the area code for Antwerp.

Please note the leading ‘0’ is not dialed. It is only for domestic phone calls within Belgium.

For more please see our page on “How to call Belgium.”


Calling a French cell phone from Belgium

Q: Hello, how do I call a cell phone in France from Belgium?

A: French cell phones are dialed the same as all other French numbers.

A full guide to calling France can be found our “how to call to France” page

0033nine digit number
Belgian exit codeFrench country codelocal phone number in France

00 – Belgian exit code – this is the number needed to call from Belgium to an international number.

33 – French country code – this is the country code for France in the international call system.

nine digit number – this is the local phone number when calling within France. Mobile phone numbers being with a ‘6’ or ‘7’.

Note: drop any leading ‘0’ from the call sequence. It is used as a long distance trunk number and is not needed when dialing from an international location.