How do I call to New York from London?

Q: Hello, I am attempting to dial to New York number 212-5xx-9xxx from London. I am dialing the number as 00-212-5xx-9xxx but it is not connecting. (original number hidden)

A: You need to add a ‘1’ in between ’00’ and ‘212’.

The full dialing sequence should be:

exit code from the code for the United Statesarea code for New York Cityfourthtwo

00 – exit code from the U.K. – this will access phone systems outside of the United Kingdom.

1 – country code for the United States – this is America’s country code in the international phone system. It connects the call to the American switchboard.

212 – area code for New York City – it is a 3 digit code that designates a region within the North American Numbering Plan (Canada, the United States, and most of the Carribbean).

5xx-9xxx – local phone number in New York – this is the local phone number within area code 212.

Phone to Cameroon from Djibouti?

Q: How do I call to Cameroon from a Djibouti mobile phone?

A: To call to Cameroon form Djibouti you would need to dial as follows:

00237eight digit number
Djiboutian exit codeCameroonian country codelocal phone number in Cameroon

00 – Djiboutian exit code – this is the number needed to call from Djibouti to an international number

237 – Cameroonian country code – this number designates Cameroon in the international phone system.

eight digit number – local phone number in Cameroon – Cameroonian phone numbers are eight digits. All digits are dialed as listed when calling from abroad.

Calling a French cell phone from Belgium

Q: Hello, how do I call a cell phone in France from Belgium?

A: French cell phones are dialed the same as all other French numbers.

A full guide to calling France can be found our “how to call to France” page

0033nine digit number
Belgian exit codeFrench country codelocal phone number in France

00 – Belgian exit code – this is the number needed to call from Belgium to an international number.

33 – French country code – this is the country code for France in the international call system.

nine digit number – this is the local phone number when calling within France. Mobile phone numbers being with a ‘6’ or ‘7’.

Note: drop any leading ‘0’ from the call sequence. It is used as a long distance trunk number and is not needed when dialing from an international location.

Need help calling to Australia from India

Q: I am trying to call to Australian phone number +61 8 9xxx 3xxx from Bangalore, India. 

A: We keep a full guide on dialing to Australia on our page Select “India” from the “from” menu for complete instructions.

Here is a summary:

To dial to Australia from India you will need to dial as follows:

006189xxx 3xxx
international exit code from Indiacountry code for Australiageographic codelocal phone number

00 – international exit code – this is the phone number needed to dial from India to reach an international location.

61 – this is Australia’s country code and the number needed to dial Australia.

8 – this is a geographic code used within Australia (specifically for South Australia, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory)

9xxx 3xxx – this is the local phone number in Australia.

Dialing a phone call to Singapore from Dallas

Q: How do I call to Singapore from Dallas?

A: From anywhere in the United States, you would dial:

01165eight digit number
international exit code from the USAcountry code for Singaporelocal phone number in Singapore

011 – this is the number needed to dial the international switchboard from the United States.

65 – this is Singapore’s country code – the number needed to direct your call from the international switchboard to Singapore’s phone system.

eight digit number – Singapore’s local phone numbers are eight digits. Dial the numbers normally – there are no trunk numbers (such as a leading ‘0’ or ‘1’) or area / regional codes to include or exclude in the dialing sequence.

Calling from the United Kingdom to a Japanese mobile phone in Ecuador

Q: I am in the U.K. and calling a person from Japan who is travelling in Ecuador with their cell phone (that is based in Japan). Do I dial through to Japan or to Ecuador? 

A: You would dial their cell phone in the same way as if they were in Japan.

When dialing a roaming mobile phone user, always dial the call as if you were dialing to the country where the mobile phone is based, regardless of where the mobile phone user is currently standing.

Your dialing sequence will be:

0081ten digit number
U.K. international exit codecountry code for JapanJapanese mobile phone number

00 – this is the number needed to dial the international switchboard from the United Kingdom.

81 – this is Japan’s country code and the number needed to dial Japan from the international switchboard.

ten digit number – Japanese phone numbers are 10 digits.

Keep in mind that with this call you will be paying international long distance rates from the U.K. to Japan, and the person you’re calling will also be paying international mobile roaming rates from Japan to Ecuador.

Help calling from Australia to Canada

Q: I am trying to dial Canadian phone number 403-5xx-xxxx from Sydney, Australia – to do this I dial 00114035xxxxxx, but I’m not getting through – can you help? (number changed to protect caller details)

A: It looks like you’re missing a “1” from the dialing sequence.

To dial to Canada from Australia you will need to dial as follows:

[fourSectionCall firstone=”0011″ firsttwo=”Australian exit code” secondone=”1″ secondtwo=”Canadian country code” thirdone=”403″ thirdtwo=”area / regional code for southern Alberta (3 digits)” fourthone=”5xx-xxxx” fourthtwo=”local phone number within southern Alberta (seven digits)”]

0011 – this code needed to dial from Australia to the international switchboard

1 – this is Canada‘s country code – it is needed to dial Canadian from an international location.

403 – this is the area code for the province of Alberta, specifically the southern portion (Calgary is the major city in this region).

5xx-xxxx- this is the local phone number within the 403 area code.